Coffee industry navigation: knowledge is power

Who is the new Consumer? What trends are important to understand? What is the Third Wave? Can I afford to ignore cold brew?  What are the latest advances in preparation style? Who are the relevant players? We deliver guided tours, trends, places, players and solutions.

If you or members of your team are new to the coffee industry, or if you think you’re ready to bring your brand to the North American market, or if you just realized that it’s time for that important “check-in” on whether your company is still relevant in this dynamic marketplace, we invite you to learn from our current research and our 20+ years of experience.

With a customized program or event presentation we can explore your specific questions and help you build the subject matter expertise that will move your company forward. With your team, we will explore strategic insights, new (and old) trends, your brand and the brands around you, the latest advances in equipment, materials and preparation, or provide a solid basic education in coffee.

We can work with your team in a classroom setting, by webinar, on a market tour, and as an event presentation.